The criminals are on the couch admiring their loot. The loot can be as simple as a backpack. The criminals high five each other on their crime.
Super heroine Constance comes in. She says WHEN WILL YOU CRIMINALS EVER LEARN? CRIME DOESN’T PAY. Trash-talk from the criminals.
The fight starts even with every one getting their hits in. Finally, a big hit dazes Lucie. She puts her hands up and surrenders. A series of hits sends Megan in to the couch where she slides down in a defeated way.
.Constance orders the criminals on to their knees with their hands interlaced behind their heads (facing the camera). Constance searches the criminals and cuffs them in front- nice and tight. See picture. Constance says THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART – THE SOUND OF JUSTICE. Time for some photos of the prisoners giving the middle finger, both kneeling and standing.
Perp walk time. The criminals are not happy when they are told to walk around and get used to their cuffs. Constance marches them off to jail.
xoxo Constance, Megan Jones & Lucie Yang
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