Paige Erin Turner runs in excitedly telling George about the acting role she got!! But she’s a little nervous… she’s supposed to act knocked out in the part, but she’s never done that before!! George shows mild interest… but not enough to get involved. So Paige picks up her own white cloth and puts it right over her nose and mouth!! Her eyes flicker and roll back and she slumps to the coach next to George. She really did knock herself out!! What a sleepy lass! George curiously opens her sleepy eyes, moves her limp body around, and wonders if this is all real? Eventually, Paige wakes up… only to be met with a neckchop passout for a little more body play time!!

Once George has had his way, he leaves to call up Constance, the knock-out queen. With a brief, but creepy introduction, KO Queen Constance bonks little Paige right in the head, knocking her out completely!! Constance plays with Paige’s pantyhose feet and ragdolls her lethargic body all around. Then later she sticks a sleepy syringe into Paige’s ass! Constance squeals in joy that she has herself a new sleepy plaything!! She brings in her fella-in-crime, then over and over, Constance and George knock out poor little Paige… so much sleepy practice for her new sleepy acting role!

xoxo Paige Erin Turner, George and Constance
DESC: Misty Lovelace

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Paige’s Sleepy Practice

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