Buff Blondi is making her debut with the K.O. Queens against Chico Brillo, who opens with telling her that he doesn’t win many matches. She finds this amusing and he challenges her to a pins and submissions match with a punishment round for the loser. Chico is ready to go while Blondi is confident in her abilities against the resident jobber. She beats him in a test of strength puts him in a headscissors-it looks like Chico is fading but he taps out before it’s too late. They reset and Chico is able to put Blondi in a headlock and he manages to get her to tap out. He quickly tries to pin her but she escapes.
There is a guillotine choke, camel clutch submission, bear hug, grapevine pin, Boston crab submission, STF, reverse headscissors KO, facesit KO, ab claw, and leg hook pin!
One of the wrestlers locks on a figure four leglock KO that spells the end of the match and beginning of the sensual humiliation round. The loser is subject to a rear naked choke KO, 10 count leg hook pin, and final facesit KO to seal the deal.
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