The Bounty Hunter (BH) catches up with the fugitives. BAIL ENFORCEMENT. YOU MISSED COURT AND I AM BRINGING YOU IN! SURRENDER OR BE PEPPER SPRAYED! The criminals surrender. The Bounty Hunter directs the prisoners on to their knees (facing the camera) with hands interlaced behind their heads.
The Bounty Hunter gets a call from Human Resources (HR) about mandatory training, signing forms, blah blah. The Bounty Hunter gets so irritated and distracted that she turns her back on the prisoners. The criminals get up and one knocks the pretend pepper spray can out of the BH’s hand.
Constance has her hands full fighting two girls. The fight is even until the Bounty Hunter gets to the pepper spray. Pepper spray blasts send the criminals down coughing. They both surrender. The BH orders them back on their knees with their hands behind their heads.
The Bounty Hunter searches the criminals and cuffs them in front- nice and tight. THAT IS THE SOUND OF JUSTICE. Time for some photos of the prisoners giving the middle finger, both kneeling and standing. This will be good for the Bounty Hunter’s business.
Perp walk time. The criminals are not happy and try to push the Bounty Hunter, but that is easily dealt with. The Bounty Hunter tells them that she has plenty more chains in her car and marches them off to jail.
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