Rage and Brigit Heart were amused by Mike’s feeble attempts at shadowboxing, his scrawny physique and delusional confidence making him a laughingstock. The two women couldn’t resist the opportunity to take him down a peg, and so they issued a challenge: a tournament where they would take turns dismantling Mike, both in boxing and wrestling matches.

As the competition commenced, Rage and Brigit Heart mercilessly mocked Mike’s boxing skills, their condescending smirks and chuckles fueling their dominance. But it was in the wrestling matches that they truly unleashed their fury, punishing Mike with **** efficiency. They rained down hard punches on his stomach and all over his body, leaving him a crumpled, defeated mess.

The final humiliation came when Rage and Brigit Heart stood victorious, their powerful physiques towering over Mike’s broken form. They flexed their muscles in triumph, planting their feet firmly on his face as if to stamp their dominance into his very being. As they shared a celebratory lesbian kiss, their lips locked in a symbol of their undeniable power and Mike’s utter emasculation.

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MRLx035 2v1 tournament with dire consequences

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