The fighter “Poison Glove” played by Sunni Ray is shadow boxing when Spider-Man walks in and accuses her of working with Venom.
To his surprise, she doesn’t deny this, and even goes so far to say that Venom is better than him. Spidey gives her a chance to give up but Poison Glove is confident and ready for a fight. She gives him a quick punch to the face that catches him off guard and knocks him back. He seems to be dazed from the hit when she delivers some belly punches followed by another punch to the face that gets Spider-Man on the ground.
Poison Glove begins to furiously attack Spidey while he is down until he is unresponsive. That doesn’t stop her though-she continues to land punch after punch on a defenseless Spider-Man who is clearly outmatched. She mounts him and Spidey does his best to cover up but she is too powerful for the hero. Poison Glove punches every inch of Spider-Man to make sure he remembers who he messed with, low blows included. He tries he best but he is no match for her constant flurry of attacks. The beatdown ends with one villainess victorious over a defeated superhero.
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