The event known as The Queen of Kookoomunga took place in March 2023 and twelve women battled to be the queen. There were 48 fights in total with three teams of four fighters. Each fighter fought eight women.Camila led her team of Tereza, Dina and Sophie.Daniela led her team of Violeta, Juliana and Clarissa.Paula led her team of Natalia, Veronica and Shelly.This fight features Violeta Mordedora making her debut QOK fight. Old habits don’t disappear rwgarding Violet’a tendency to bite as rotten Dina (0 – 2 in QOK) finds out the hard way. But Dina is a great fighter and she battles Violeta all match long with her own bites and other sexy attacks.Queen of Kookoomunga released 08May2024 2 copies were sold at the other site.
In diesem Kampf gibt Violeta Mordedora ihren ersten QOK-Kampf. Alte Gewohnheiten verschwinden nicht, was Violets Neigung zum Beißen betrifft, wie die verdorbene Dina (0 – 2 in QOK) auf die harte Tour herausfindet. Aber Dina ist eine großartige Kämpferin und sie bekämpft Violeta den ganzen Kampf lang mit ihren eigenen Bissen und anderen sexy Angriffen.
Esta pelea presenta a Violeta Mordedora haciendo su debut en la pelea QOK. Los viejos hábitos no desaparecen con respecto a la tendencia de Violet a morder, como la podrida Dina (0 – 2 en QOK) descubre por las malas. Pero Dina es una gran luchadora y lucha contra Violeta durante todo el partido con sus propios mordiscos y otros ataques sexys.
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