Hatred rivalry
Angelica is obviously enraged and furious with Andrea: she violently pushes her, full of hatred staring into her eyes.
The first punch to Andrea’s jaw shows what Angelica has in mind: she definitely wants to beat her rival into a bloody mess, and it soon looks like she is loving it, smiling evily at every hit.
Pure violence
Her punches are so strong that send Andrea’s head back, her hair flying, almost losing her balance and close to falling to the mats.
It’s a massacre: Andrea is flinged into a wall and punched, kneed in the belly several times… but surprisingly, she reacts! And turns tables, delivering the same punishment to Angelica, adding a few terrific, never seen before, open handed slaps!
The fight continues with increasing violence and nastyness, blue eyes and bloody noses. They relentlessly keep pounding on each other: a two handed strangles almost renders one of the wrestlers unconscious. Then side kicks, knees, punches in the belly and face, and even more slaps!
An exhausted winner
The two fighters can barely stand on their legs when finally, the last blow is delivered, and you will see the loser going down and limp for the final KO. An outworn, battered winner poses, her foot on the unconscious beaten foe’s neck to celebrate.
If you are into a nasty, mercyless, realistically violent fight, you cannot avoid checking this match out.
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