In the town of Acacias, Colombia, a group of men discussed having an event for their wives to participate in a catfight tournament.
The men said they approached Fenix because they liked our style, rules and attire.
We asked Diosa Diana Cazadora (12 – 4) to co-facilitate the event and to fight the wives with her team. Acacias is 30 Kilometers, or about 18 miles, due south of Villavicencio, where Diana and her team are based.
Diana met Yerika’s team on separate dates with two subsets of her team. The first day included Diana, Chole and Suly against Yerika, Bri and Lizbeth.
The second day included Diana, Antonela, Chanel, Gloria D., Lucia and Sofia against Yerika, Brit, Lili, Lizbeth and Mave.
Diana and newcomer Lizbeth fought on the frist day. They enjoyed it so much, they were granted a rematch. Diana starts this one with a nic e slap across the chops and although there are a couple bouts with laughter, Diana isn’t laughing when she slaps the smile off LizBeth’s face. I have given up caring about laughing a long time ago, as long as it can be controlled within seconds. I see it all the ime even from major disftributors. It is a strange action and it s usually gets turned around fast into a stinging slap. I’ll take a few giggles for that payoff.
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